What Can a Smile Makeover Change?

What Can a Smile Makeover Change?

With advances in cosmetic dentistry, almost every aspect of your smile can undergo a transformation with a smile makeover. If you are unhappy with the appearance of your smile, a combination of cosmetic and restorative dentistry treatment procedures can help you to...
A History of Sedation Dentistry

A History of Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry, also known as “sleep dentistry,” refers to the practice of calming and relaxing a patient prior to a dental procedure with the use of pharmacological agents. Sedation dentistry began in the late 1700s when a chemist named Humphry Davy began...
Maintaining Your Dentures

Maintaining Your Dentures

Getting back your ability to smile and eat with a complete set of teeth is one of the great benefits of dentures. To prevent infections, sores, or further tooth damage, it is important to maintain dentures properly. Here are some ways that dentists advise to keep your...
Dealing with Wisdom Tooth Pain

Dealing with Wisdom Tooth Pain

Whether you are a teenager or an adult, you may have pain associated with your wisdom teeth. In a perfect situation, these back molars erupt last and fit right into your mouth without problems. Many people are not so lucky, however. It is common for these teeth to...