Oct 12, 2023 | Blog, Dental Topics 2, Implant Dentistry
Dental implants are used to replace individual or missing teeth or to anchor loose dentures. For many patients with these issues, traditional dental implants may not a viable option. For example, a patient who does not possess adequate bone levels to anchor the...
Sep 28, 2023 | Blog, Dental Topics 2, Dentures
You may expect you won’t need dentures because you take good care of your teeth. However, dentures are more prevalent than you may think. The number of adults in the United States needing dentures is expected to increase from 33 million in 1991 to 37 million in 2020....
Sep 14, 2023 | Blog, Cosmetic Dentistry, Dental Topics 2
Most people are not born with a perfect appearance. Some people turn to cosmetic surgery to correct or enhance the things they find unappealing about their looks. However, if cosmetic surgery is not on your agenda, cosmetic dentistry offers many procedures and...
Aug 10, 2023 | Blog, Dental Topics 2, General Dentistry
Restorative dentistry has made incredible advancements in the technology of restorative dental materials, and there are more options than ever today for your dental crown or dental bridge. Zirconium and porcelain have proven to provide lasting strength and durability,...
Aug 3, 2023 | Blog, Dental Topics 2, Sedation Dentistry
Giving some form of a sedative medication to patients during dental treatment is what sedation dentistry is all about. It causes relaxation and decreases anxiety so that the patient is comfortable and the dentist can work safely and efficiently. Sedation dentistry is...
Jul 27, 2023 | Blog, Dental Topics 2, Oral Surgery
Oral surgery to correct problems with the jaw is known as orthognathic surgery. Jaw issues can result from birth defects, changes due to growth, or injury or trauma to the face. While orthodontics can correct bite problems when only the teeth are involved, oral...